Will you stand your ground?

In the place of peace, the enemy fights our imagination. A sign of the times is when everything that you believe is under attack. The foundational stones that you have rested your life on are being challenged. What was truth for you is under investigation. You begin to question what...

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Are you ready to sacrifice?

The truth has made us free from sinful nature. There is a difference between sinful nature and sin. The nature is the dominion, the control of sin. As believers, we now have the nature of Jesus Christ but we must abide in the Word to break the habit of sin....

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What will you do with the truth?

What is the relationship between truth and wisdom? The relationship between truth and wisdom is the application. David said that God desires truth to be in our inner parts. The inner parts are the soul, the seat of your mind, the place of your emotions and feelings. The inner parts...

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How do you sanctify yourself?

To sanctify means to set apart. You are set aside so that God can use you only. That no one and nothing else can disturb your purpose. The purity of your soul determines the effectiveness of your spirit. We live in two worlds. We exist in the spirit and navigate...

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Are you fighting in peace?

What does the fight look like from a position of peace? You keep giving, you keep living, you keep going! Peace causes you to discern how your enemy is operating, even if your enemy is you. The part of you that does not acknowledge the Word of God. If you...

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What is grace?

The mercy of God could not come to us until Jesus paid the price. The mercy of God bends toward us. Grace, God’s ability, is not to take the place of mercy. Mercy is for our mess ups. Grace is for our cycle of obedience. Grace is the ability that...

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Are you obedient to the grace?

Grace is an impartation that is released through servant-hood and character development. Grace is an anointing that is transferred to those that are connected to honor and servant-hood. Grace can only contend with warfare based on the measure that we have allowed it to be developed. When we lose a...

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When was the last time you praised God?

The Kingdom of God both teaches and demonstrates its teachings to us through Christ Jesus. Greater works we shall do because we believe in the Son. If we see His works and believe in Him, we can do exponentially more than God did. If God lifts 10 tons, by faith...

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What is the relationship between truth and wisdom?

What is the relationship between truth and wisdom? The relationship between truth and wisdom is the application. David said that God desires truth to be in our inner parts. The inner parts are the soul, the seat of your mind, the place of your emotions and feelings. The inner parts...

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