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The Spirit of Faith

I Timothy 1: 3

Paul told Timothy to tell the people that we have a specific doctrine that we teach. Teach only what we believe. The teaching of doctrine produces Godly character. If we teach anything else, we won’t get Godly character. We may get religious character but we are not trying to be like the church. We want to be like Jesus! Godliness cannot be produced in you without the teaching of the Holy Spirit.

What is it that you believe? What do you know? We must be able to defend what we believe. If we follow sound doctrine, it will bring about the development of divine nature and Godliness. What we believe causes us to be and what we are is what we can do. We must study the Word of God. We must show ourselves approved. We cannot defend what we do not know. And what we do not know, we cannot be.

You will cancel out the spirit of faith when you don’t honor what you know. You must make a change in how you’re living. You can’t ignore the natural and expect the spirit of God to operate. In other words, you can’t ignore your tithe and expect God to rebuke the devour. You can’t say you want the presence of God but you watch television 24 hours a day. The hypocrisy is canceling out our faith and making God look like He doesn’t want to reward us. God did not lie; you are canceling your blessing. There are laws that cannot be compromised! You must work the spirit of faith.

What I know, I must speak. The spirit of faith that declares is a faith that’s been tried; faith that’s been tested. You must go through the process. There’s a fight for everything that you say you believe. In the core of your being, you must know that God will never leave you or forsake you. You must be tested and still stand, therefore what you believe after the process you’ll speak and you’ll have it. The only thing that pleases God is faith.

So what do you believe?

– Pastor Sylvester Johnson

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