Jesus said ‘Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I’ll give you rest.’ Sometimes life will give you responsibility to carry that you have no choice but to handle. Jesus says come. He knows that you have a heavy responsibility. But in exchange, He will give you rest. He will give you a moment of refreshing.
Jesus says yoke up with Him, take His yoke. Become His servant. Let Jesus teach you His ways. Jesus will help you maneuver. You may mess up on your own. You may give up on your own. But if you yoke up with Jesus, He will help you to carry the responsibility.
It is so important that you know you have someone else that can help you in this process. Jesus says come, for His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
Sometimes we have to reset. We have to navigate and adjust to the changes that come in our lives. We have to determine in our hearts to reset ourselves and take on our responsibilities once again. We must yield to the Holy Spirit to help us in our weaknesses.
Be refreshed! Be restored! Come to Jesus and He will give you rest!
– Pastor Sylvester