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Will you stand your ground?

In the place of peace, the enemy fights our imagination. A sign of the times is when everything that you believe is under attack. The foundational stones that you have rested your life on are being challenged. What was truth for you is under investigation. You begin to question what and if you really believe.

In this time, the enemy attempts to establish an image that is contrary to the established authority, just like Satan when he was thrown out of Heaven. It’s a natural thing for young people to establish their own image. But this is dangerous. The seed of rebellion comes when your imagination exalts itself beyond your delegated authority and the end result can be destruction.

Therefore, we are to cast down all the arguments/imaginations that act as enemies against us. The mind is the battlefield in which thoughts and reasoning contrary to God’s Word are to be captured and submitted to Christ, our Commander. Just as enemy soldiers are captured in war, so rebel thoughts must be taken captive and made to submit to Christ.

We must fight these imaginations to stay in a place of peace and remain grounded in truth.

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