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When was the last time you praised God?

The Kingdom of God both teaches and demonstrates its teachings to us through Christ Jesus. Greater works we shall do because we believe in the Son. If we see His works and believe in Him, we can do exponentially more than God did. If God lifts 10 tons, by faith in Him we can lift 20 tons. Because of our submission to God, we are allowed to operate in his authority at any time.

But how do we tap into God’s exponential grace and authority? We access God’s ability through our praise. When we praise God, He takes a sit in our midst and removes every burden. Praise begins to sweep every aisle in our lives. Our praise brings God back to the focus where He desires to be. When we direct our focus on God, we loose God to demonstrate His power through us. Our praise will set us free!

When was the last time you praised God?


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