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What is the relationship between truth and wisdom?

What is the relationship between truth and wisdom? The relationship between truth and wisdom is the application. David said that God desires truth to be in our inner parts. The inner parts are the soul, the seat of your mind, the place of your emotions and feelings. The inner parts determine how and to what extreme you can receive truth. It sets the precedent on how you can handle the truth.

You are the recipient of the Blessing of Abraham! David in his heart always desired to be a recipient of the Blessing. The ability to attain wealth is part of the Blessing. The ability to take dominion and subdue is part of the Blessing. It’s time for us to take dominion. We’ve already been placed far above but we have to attend to the truth. Truth, knowledge and understanding are components of wisdom.

So, what fights the truth? The body has cravings that can be contrary to the truth. You must discipline the body with your soul and your spirit. The soul affects the spirit and determines what will become. The soul has incidents through the body that causes the body to feel a certain way. If these incidents are negative, when the soul hears truth from the spirit it can’t react to it.

We must feed our spirit through prayer, through worship, through the hearing of the Word of God, so that the spirit speaks louder than the soul. A strong spirit will command the body to align, to worship God even when the body doesn’t feel like it.

What will you do with the truth? Will you be the redemption to someone’s life? Will you tell your story, that you were once in the system but you heard another prevailing thought and it set you free? Discipline your body with your spirit and allow it to speak truth to you! You belong to the Kingdom of God!

– Pastor Sylvester Johnson

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