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Are you obedient to the grace?

Grace is an impartation that is released through servant-hood and character development. Grace is an anointing that is transferred to those that are connected to honor and servant-hood. Grace can only contend with warfare based on the measure that we have allowed it to be developed. When we lose a battle that we already won through Christ, the grace was not sufficient for us at that time. Our grace has to match the warfare.

If we come from under the grace, the devil can’t kill us, but he will wear us out! You don’t have to like it, but stay under authority. You don’t have to understand, but stay under authority. Stay under grace until grace is sufficient. We have no idea what our flesh wants to get us in to. Grace has to grow. When you operate in the full measure of grace, demons don’t mess with you. But it’s not easy. You must pay a price of obedience for grace.

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